Blogger - Responsive Footer Widget (Four Column )

[4 Column Responsive Widget ~ Techno-Lobby]

If you want to add your personalized widget in your google blog, just use the following instruction. You can add this widget just below the header or at the footer as you wish, it will be visible accordingly. 

Step 1: Login to Blogger.
Step 2: Click on Theme and Backup your current theme, if something goes wrong you can recover it.
Step 3: Once the backup is done, now click on edit.
Step 3: Place the Code in the location where you wants to show it. Best location is just after the page navigation bar or just before the </body>. If you are not popular with coding just click on the code of your theme and press Control + F and type </body> and enter, Now place the code just before the <body> tag.

Step 4: Now place the CSS code just before </head> and save the theme.

Code ( HTML):

Code (CSS):

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