
Exam Starter is an app for Govt Exam Preparation. The main purpose of this app is to build a strong General Knowledge (GK) base to boost your marks in any Govt Exam. We have followed the way to learning through MCQ and Short Notes. We have included many advanced features in this app. These are mentioned below.
  • Login with Gmail.
  • Practice MCQ and show results on click. If you select the wrong option, it will change the background color to pink, but would not show the right answer. On selecting the right option it will change the background color to green of that particular option and also will show the explanation if it has any.
  • Add a question to your favorite list with a single click on the heart icon and the color of the heart icon will change to read. It will be stored in the local memory of the webview. On every question load, it will check the local memory and will search for if the question is already present in the favorite list and will change the heart icon accordingly. 
  • A blog section to discuss the user query with options like 'ask a question', 'answer to a question', 'comment on the answer', and 'reply to a comment';
  • Online Mock Test with the review, comparison at a glance, comparison on subject-wise, and comparison question-wise.
  • Local Quiz from the pre-loaded question.
  • Summary of all quizzes and tests from local memory. It will show the subject-wise question percentage with numbers in the pie graph. Subjectwise your performance in the bar graph. Exam-wise total attempt, right, and wrong in the form of bar and line graph.
  • Online quiz with 50-second time-bound and skip or 50-50 features with limited use.
  • We have also added features to allow users to add more questions or add explanations to the existing question or fix the Hindi or Bengali translation with admin approval before the final update.
You can check our app: Govt Exam Preparation App.

Technology and Tool Used:

  • Android Studio
  • Firebase cloud for Database
  • Java for App development and interaction with firebase
  • HTML5, Javascript, JQuery, and CSS for user interface, design, and presentation.
  • WebView is the major part of this development.

How I Started and the Journey?

I have started with a conversion of my website to an app with the use of webview techniques. Then I have designed a single-window app with 7-8 icons on the home screen and on clicking on it loads an URL from my site.

Then I added sliding tab features to convert my single-window app to a multi-tab app. It now looks very glorious. I have added in-app purchases to it with Monthly, Quarterly, Half-Yearly, and Yearly purchase features. In the last six months, I have earned 25k without doing much.

Now we can make an app for any exam preparation by copying and renaming some strings.

If you are a beginner just try your first app by converting your website to an app. Thank you for reading this blog. Hope you enjoyed it. 